Is the grass actually greener or…

Do you just need to get that promotion to reflect your commitment and diligence?

Hi I’m Tash and I’m so glad you are here! I get it, promoting yourself isn’t a walk in the park but with my help you’ll learn how to unveil your undeniable skills with confidence, grace and ease.

As a Personal Brand & Career Coach, I’m committed to helping you find your ‘greenest grass’ in terms of your professional progress.

With 1:1 sessions dedicated to identifying your innate skillset and developing strategies tailored to your specific challenges, we’ll work together to get you seen and valued in a way that naturally suits your personality.

When you retrain your brain and redefine how you (and others) see you professionally - you’ll showcase your undeniable expertise with ease and integrity.

Invisible to ProVisible®

I help ‘invisible’ highly-skilled women just like you, get professional visibility, so you can successfully :

  • Navigate difficult conversations with colleagues and clients

  • Apply for and settle into a more senior role or area of the business

  • Deliver a powerful presentation, interview or appraisal

And finally get the ROI of your time and hard work in the form of the elusive work/life balance so you get more time to hang out with your kids, your friends and even yourself!

As a psychology-driven personal brand coach I’ll offer you a compassionate and objective take on your career journey so you can broaden your scope for what’s possible and raise your visibility at work.

It’s time to get the recognition you want, the promotion you deserve and still have time for walks in the park with your (camera-shy) pup! Book Your Free Place On ProVisible and Finally Get The Recognition You Deserve

So if you have a friend who might be thinking the answer to their career woes is ‘over there’ (where the grass is greener) - tell them to come join the ProVisible Hub over here!

Give Notice or Get Noticed?

Do You Feel Like Your Professional Visibility and Value Has Dwindled Over The Years? Then It’s Likely A Career Veil is Masking Your Performance and Path to Success…

As an employee of a creative company, your career may be an exhilarating world. The rhythm of your industry is marked by tight deadlines, ceaseless creativity, and a pressure to always have new ideas. Yet, just beneath the surface of the glamour and the lights, there's a palpable tension – many of you know it intimately. That constant dread of Monday mornings, the fantasies of another lockdown to escape the office, or those restless nights where the weight of the day’s challenges stop you from finding restful sleep.

But what if I told you there’s another way?

Firstly, let's address the elephant in the room. You're not alone. Many in your field feel precisely the same way. The idea of resigning or moving to another company may seem like a tempting escape. Yet, often, these issues have a sneaky way of following us, even when we change our external surroundings.

Before making a dramatic move, consider this: perhaps the key isn’t in leaving the environment but in reshaping your internal landscape. This is where high-performance coaching, like the services I offer, comes into play.

  • Reframe Your Perspective: Often, the way we perceive challenges amplifies our stress. Coaching can provide tools to see these challenges as growth opportunities.

  • Equip Yourself with Tools: Navigate workplace demands with practical skills and strategies to manage stress, optimize performance, and maintain emotional well-being.

  • Empower Your Voice: Learn how to advocate for yourself and access the emotional and well-being support you need within your workplace.

Your emotional health directly impacts your productivity, creativity, and even your physical health. Investing in it is not just about feeling better – it's about unleashing a version of yourself that can handle challenges with grace, innovate without constraints, and truly enjoy the work you're doing.

Instead of considering a departure, consider diving deeper. By seeking support, you're taking charge of your narrative. And by advocating for emotional well-being in your workplace, you're not only standing up for yourself but also paving the way for others.

Imagine a world where you no longer lie awake, dreading the week ahead. Where Mondays become a fresh slate, a new opportunity. Where you harness challenges, turning them into stepping stones.

If you're ready to shift from stress to success, from tension to triumph – I'm here, equipped and excited, to guide you through. Let’s work together to ensure you thrive, right where you are.